is i woke up quite earli...12pm onli got class but 9 sumthing i edi woke up...den online...prepare my skript den 11 sumthing go school...after adv clas, i straight away go bc lab rehers my dj live show...nver go eat...keppp drink water...kep rehers...super tension dat time...time past very time to start the dj live show!! after jennifer was me...wen i go in, miss mai quite gd to me...ask me to test al the mic n music, n joking wf me...make me fel more relax....yeah~~is time to start my dj life show, is time to b DJ Fie...wakaka...finali, my show is done...n mis mai say overall is gd...the mood, the tone is very nice...she ask me izit oways go clubbing coz i was introducing a pub...den i told her i seldom go pub de lol...den after dat , she say well done!! den i heard al my frens were clapping outside the lab...damn hapi man!!^^ wakaka..but reali fel much more relax after done dis show...hehe...erm, nw waiting my honey bk from work n cal me...2 more days we wil meet le...very excited but stil miss u...hope faster can meet u la,dear!!^^ erm, tomorow hv to go to record our radio drama...hope can go smooth my sis n me oso din go 4 gym coz she sick edi, ni oso quite jz stay home...very boring ah.....sienz=.=............ok la....going to slep soon lol...gd9 la...muackz...^^
tomorow is my real dj live show presentation...scare...tension..=.= is monday, 11.02pm...erm, i woke up at 8 sumthing, den after finish prepare al those thing i went to school...1st i plan to go lab to rehers my dj live show...dim chi the console n mike din work,no sound at al...den i cal the staff, Azuan to come up n tk a look on it...den the lazy fellow ask me try myself 1st...i wait n wait...damn angry edi...kep sms him to come to help me....i wait until 11 sumthing, means around 2 hour ++ onli he came n help me fix it..i was like being idiot there 4 around 2 hours there...wen i saw the stupid malay, i fel like wana kil him...damn stupid lol!!! after he fix it, i oso hv to go 4 lunch edi...haiz...den after tk lunch we onli go rehers again...erm, evrything is ok la...hope i can do wel tomorow...but nw...i fel quite stress n scare man!! everybody can hear my voice, look at my face via webcam ....huh....i dunno how it fel...wakak...but i reali hope i can do well in my real presentation tomorow...u al n god mz bless me oo~~~hehe!!!thx 4 u al blessing!!^^ haha... today i jz like a smal little gal folow parent to hypermarket buy ah pa n ah ma is mark n chyi chyi...wakaka...both of them reali like my parent...haha...i jz like their daughther...nw chyi sure wana kil me n mark sure very hapi...hehe!!^^ haha...anyway, u 2 reali damn sweet la...hehe...k la...watching drama nw...n wil slep soon u al..^^
Lum Fung, u r soo extremeli handsome!!^^
today is is sunday edi...12.55am....haha...u al sure wan to noe wat hapen to me today ritez?wakaka...erm...morning woke up at 10 sumthing den out for lunch at 1 sumthing wf my bro n cousin sis...den bk home n watch tvb drama, "yi qi bie luan"...den around 4pm, me n my sis faster go prepare to c Lam fung at niu che shui...haha...around 5 pm we reach there..den we go big aple eat donald n have sum soft drinks...after dat we start to q up in front of the stage...luackili dat time was nt many people, so we r in the 1st row...hehe...wait until around 8pm, the concert finali start...1st singer is man hand....their rap skil nt bad..very nice...1 of their member wearing oso nt bad...very hip hop!!haha...den second is 4got edi...hehe...john,kay n des oso got sing few song in the concert...erm, i jz can say onli des can sing...haha...n last come out to the my prince, LAM FUNG!!! omg...he is damn handsome...although he wearing cap, but i stil can c his handsome face!!he reali damn handsome!!! he nt onli hs a handsome face n he oso hs gd singing skil n damn nice voice!! he reali my prince!! y i cant find even 1 boy like him?? gd looking, gd ssinging skils n gd voice!!! people reali hv big different wf malaysians!!wakaka....^^he got come dwn to shake hand wf the fans lei...but i was to0 bad luck, coz cant shake hand wf him...coz in front of our standing area got 3 row of chair, so he cant go to our area!!cannot touch my prince hand...wakaka!!^^but stil hapi coz can c him so close...later i wil upload the video clip, mayb u al cant listen to wat he sang coz i think u al should b jz heard wat we shout!!keke...stand 4 around 4 hours jz to c my prince...add on raining summore!!haha...but nvm, is worth!!haha..hehe..hoho!!^^ k la...very tired edi...wana slep lol...gd9 to everyone....muackz@@
erm, tired !! a lot of assign !!! i so mis u!! is fri...10.52pm nw....jz come bk from gym ...very tired oo~~but fel a bit relax...coz tomorow no ned go school n oso no ned rush any assign today....dis week almost everyday oso slep at 1 o 2am...den wake up around 8 to 9 am...damn tired man!! next tues is my dj live show~~damn scare n stress nw!! although ful prepared but stil fel very tension...den fri hv to submit the ful report of intro to mass comm.n i hv to submit my individual report on next fri oso,...damn!! dis two week, i am going to freaking busy !! so tired, tension , ful of stress n i edi 2 week din meet my bf..damn mis him!!onli can c his face through webcam...very charm T.T... tomorow going to c lam fung at "ou che sui"...haha....hapi..hope can c him clearer , so scare i cant in the 1st get to c him tomorow!wakaka...lao gong, i am so mis about u??y we live so far??n plz faster pass dis 2 week , submit al the assign den i can fly la...stil got final to go...but wil fel relax a bit lol after dis 2 weeks.nw listening to a song...dis song very nice....n after i listen to dis song, i fel like dis gal very charm...hard to explain my fel about dis song...dun woli, i wil post here n let u al listen~~^^ dis song is wrote by a gal...dis gal is onli 15 years old...she leave us edi ...she suicide bcoz her parent did not alow she dating wf a she wrote dis song n sing n pay attention on the lyrics..ok...ok until here la...wana watch drama edi...tomorow wana start my report n rehers my dj live show again n again!!hehe....gd9,everyone....i love u al oo~~so hope u al r doing wel oo!!mis ya~~^oppz...dunno how to upload song dim...erm , the song wil b uploaded soon...wakaka...^^
thursday... is thursday...erm, let me think think wat hapen today sin..hehe...erm..nth special wake up at 8.30am....9am go school...9.40am arrived school...den study , tk lunch , den bk home...quite a boring day..haha...den wen bk home, is damn hot man!!! i hv to walk bk home from poh kong damn far....after reach home, i straight away go ooi ooi...super tired!!but slep nt more den half hour, my sis caling me n tel me a motor block her car to go in my house...keep on scold the dirty words...haha...i fel like so funni !! den the motor owner come, is an indian guy, he say:" moi, sekejap shj ma..."...den my sis say :"how can u park in front of people house, summore i round here 3 times edi lei, u oso haven move ur motor...i was in balgani n look dwn n listen to their dialog...i fel like quite funni...haha...den after dat i was laugh at her...ask her dun argue wf people next time, especiali indian...coz u dunno wat they wil do if u argue wf them...summore u r gal...beter dun make trouble lol...wakaka...after dat, we go pasar malam...we eat popiah, uncle bob n longan...wa...damn nice n ful...wakaka!!gain weight again!!haha...bcome fei po edi...den my another sis, stephanie come to our house, she bring sum souvenir 4 us...damn cute lol the souvenir...later u al c the pic la...hehe!!^^after, we play mahjong...wakaka...until 11 sumthing, den my stephanie sis went bk home...den i start write dis blog oso quite hapi la...coz long time din chit chat so many wf two of my sis...n wana congra them sucess lost weight ... i hope i oso archieve my target asap la...hehe...beter can go 42kg den 40kg...haha...den ok edi...ganbatte oo!!^^k la...everybody ...gd9 lol...muackz...^^
a tired day....
today is tuesday,15.7.08....
today mid term reali....easy!!!wakaka...erm, if study sure easy lol...but if like me, jz study a bit bit, jz noe few lol...wakaka...but my fren keep on say me oways ponteng, make me a bit upset lol...i oso dun wan oways skip class de lei...but i oways easy to fal sick, easy feeling nt to go school if i feling nt well...i no ethey sure nt beleive me de..nvm la...i wun bother wat they think...haiz....i oso dunno y my body so weak...reali hate it!! since i was young i edi super weak...nw add on i got low blood pressure..more weak n parent buy damn many "bu ben" 4 me oso no use....bird nest la, wat organic product la, wat cherry juice 1st got a bit effect la, means i fel beter la...but recentli coming bk again...."weak" visit me lunch time i go wendy wf until wana vomit edi...mayb 4 u al is tasty la, n mayb i am nt used to it lol coz i dun eat the beef 1...den i eat half den edi dun wan eat ..haiz...edi wana pk stil hv to go eat expensive food..=.=reali hv to save money zor coz reali pk edi...haha...very FAN money to money to shopping lei...nw is megasales summore.....deng!!! shoes, shirt ,short pants, speaker, camera n comestic i need u !! i want u!! but wen can u al come to me??haha....nvm...i wil try my best to tk u al bk...wakaka...erm, face a pb here mum sudenli ask me bk mantin dis fri but dis fri is boey bday n i promise her to join her bday party but nw seem like cant go edi...fel so soli to her...wat should i do lei?? reali lazy go fitness lol...but stil got go la....damn tired n hungry wen bk home...faster eat a bread onli go upsatir n online,,,n nw chating wf my fren lol...included a singapore fren which noe wen SHE luckili to noe dis guy...he reali help me a lot...thx..hehe...oways care me my big bro..thx!!i noe u wil c my blog so wana thx u here,,,coz i oways say thx to u n u oso oways say no ned thx o np...haha...n thx chyi oso...u oways care 4 me n gv me support!! n thx 4 my dearest sis..althought u nt wf me but u oways gv me suport!! n oso thx al 4 those who oways gv me suport!! i wil ganbatte de!! wana ooi ooi lol...sleeply...gd9...bye...muackz...^^swt dream...